My Story

Have you ever felt like no matter how much you did for others, it was never enough? That despite all your efforts to be more organized and dedicated, you still felt overwhelmed and kept slipping into an abyss of nothing-ness? Have you lost hope? Have you tried more self care, healthier foods, better routines, and positive mindset shifts, all with no long term resolve? I have.

My story ebbs and flows with the ever changing seasons of becoming a woman. The most prominent of season being when I married, and my dreams of being a stay at home mom came true. However, the story book magic of what I thought it would be, began to fade as I began to give more and more of myself to my family. If making others happy was my dopamine, and giving more of my time/energy was what made that happen, then why was I not experiencing more joy myself?

In spring of 2022, I was in a profoundly dark season when someone reached out to offer me help. I had a pinch of hope left in me, and took her hand. I went from survival, fix it mode in my whole body, to reigniting my self trust and gaining a sense of wholeness. Through journaling, I rewrote the stories I believed about myself, anchored into who I am as a woman, and created safety within myself to expand and grow.

Knowing I always have a place to come home to, within myself, has given me the passion to share with others how they can do the same. I hope we can come together and build a community of brave and radical self nurturers.

Hello again, I’m Jennifer

Random Things About Me:

I broke my arm as a teenager, playing basketball in gym class. I have one large tattoo on my hip. I’m more of a realist when it comes to dreams, and optimistic about most things. My husband and I have built four houses. I’m a terrible swimmer. I believe everyone deserves respect and that most people at their core are kind. I’ve been described as “gently uninhibited”, honest, transparent, and self aware.

Things I Love:

Getting dirty in the garden, warm fresh sourdough with lots of butter, pink sunrises, having alone time, the way mountain peaks make me feel like the world is bigger than me, and the soul cleansing power of the sun, how profoundly majestic eagles are, and the perseverance of earthworms, tea and plant shops, friends who lovingly call me out, waves crashing against the beach, and when my kids ask for a hug.

I’d love to connect with you! Please reach out if you have any questions, or if you are interested in collaborating or sharing my work.

I am not a licensed therapist or healthcare provider.

I also cannot say I've been where you are, because our experiences are unique to each of us as individuals.

But I've experienced massive healing through nervous system work, holistic coaching, journaling classes, how to work with (not against) my monthly cycle, and somatic breathing techniques.​

If you'll let me, I would like to share these resources with you in hopes they might serve you through your own healing journey.